Tells the reader about the history of a person or event
"I know how you clutched my back behind your house, and sweated like a stallion when i came near" this shows that Abigail and Proctor have a history
Give the reader a hint of what is coming. " I saw Tituba waving her arms over a fire when i came to you" this shows that something big is hinted later on
Giving an inhuman object human characteristics. " its death, y'know it's death drivin' into them, forked and hoofed" Death was given human characteristics to emphasize the meaning
Compares two things without like or as. " I have trouble enough without I come five mile to hear him preach hellfire and bloody damnation" Proctor compares Parris's preachings to unholy things
Something that provides a hidden meaning. " Crazy children are jangling the keys of a kingdom" shows that Abigail's group is messing with something that could wreak havoc on many lives and souls
Symbol or object that brings a feeling to a person or represents more than it seems "I will fall like an ocean on that court, fear nothing Elizabeth" symbolizes that Proctor will show the court his wrath and do whatever he can to get Elizabeth back.
An over exaggeration "I should hand ten thousand that dared to rise against the law" Danforth says this to show that he will do whatever it takes to punish those who dare go against the law, no matter how many do it.
Comparing two things with like or as. "the devil is out and preying on children like a beast upon the flesh of pure lamb" compares the devil with a beast to emphasize the point that he is showing no mercy against the innocent.
Dramatic Irony
when the audience knows something the characters do not. "I have seen marvels in this court; I have seen them stuck by pins and slashed by daggers" Danforth doesn't realize that these marvels were faked, but the audience does.
refers to an object or circumstance that has occurred or existed. "Abigail brings the other girls into the court, and where she walks the crowd will part like the sea for Israel" refers to Moses parting the Red Sea in the Bible.
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